What is dirty read?
what is an extended stored procedure? : Sql server database administration
How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows...
Security Question- SQL DBA exparts, need your help...
how to find the second salary?
How can we improve performance by using SQL Server profiler?
Can binary strings be converted into numeric or float data types?
Where can you add custom error messages to sql server?
I Have Employee table having column name as ID,SALARY how to get second max salary from employee table with id ex ID SALARY 1 20000 7 37000 2 5000
17 Answers HCL, IBM,
Wht is Stuff in sql ser
How much does sql server 2016 cost?
What method is used by the Command classes to execute SQL statements that return single values?
How to check status of stored procedure in sql server?