How can we improve performance by using SQL Server profiler?
What is difference between standardization and normalization?
What is the difference between ROW_NUMBER and Ranking function in SQL SERVER?
when u import an excel file into sql if suppose one column has got a date field with system time attached to it what data type u will use in sql to import it in a table? Note: a condition is the excel file has no primary key defined to a column...also u r importing bulk data into sql
How you would rewrite the sql query to return the customerid sorted numerically?
What are the recovery models for a database?
What is sql language?
how do you determine the Load performance of any query in sql server {example how do u determine performance of a select stmnt which returns Dynamically many no of records ... some times 100,1000,10000 etc., }
What is the maximum length of an alert name?
Why variables called the most powerful component of ssis?
Can we execute a stored procedure inside a trigger?
6 Answers BirlaSoft, CarrizalSoft Technologies, United Healthcare,
What is collation sensitivity?
how many types of store procedre in sqlserver 2000?