How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100
rows and B table have 50 rows...

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / saurav kumar

it returns common records between table A and table B, because if we use only join it behaves as a inner join in SQL Server

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / gowrishankar.s

join is used to join the two or more based on join tables.
in A table having 100 rows and b table having 50 rows in
this situation innerjoin join the related columns only.
select A.sutdid,B.empid, from A innnerJoin B
on A.studid=B.empid;
innerjoin is used retrieve all rows from both tables as
long as there is a matching between two columns.

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / brajesh kumar srivastava

its depend on join what type join you are using,If You are
using cross join then 100*50 record would printed.

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / rajesh kannan.m

actually it is natural join.if two table is there like A and B
the natural join is A*B.A=100, ans is 100*50=5000 rows.

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / ankit misra

the result will depend upon the type of join it carry 150 rows if its a full outer join,it will carry common rows if its a natural join.

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / sachin

Case 1: not common rows
then Inner join A join B <> row
full outer join A join B = 100 row
full outer join B join A = 50 row
Case 2: common rows (10)
then Inner join A join B = 10
full outer join A join B = 100
full outer join B join A = 50

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / gopi muluka

My answer above assumes there are no common columns between
two table, in that case answer would be 5000 rows.
Otherwise Interviewer never mention about number of rows in
each table, If he is only interested in knowing what is the
default Join?

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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / tnt




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How maney row would be print after join if A table have 100 rows and B table have 50 rows.....

Answer / gopi muluka

100*50 =5000 Rows

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