Mention what pl/sql package consists of?
I i have 2 tables A & B ,A contains 10 records B contains 20 records ,what w'll be the o/p if we perform equijoin,outer join,right outer join,left outer join,full outer join,cross join seperately Can anyone help on this?
What problem one might face while writing log information to a data-base table in pl/sql?
How many types of normalization are there?
What is the use of triggers?
Why we use triggers in mysql?
how to enter binary numbers in sql statements? : Sql dba
define sql
What is the difference between partition and index?
Can we use more than one null value for unique key?
31 Answers A1 Technology, Wipro,
What is data definition language?
What is rank function in sql?
4. Select sum(A.salary) +sum(B.salary) as TOT_SAL from ( select LEVEL emp_id,level*100 salary,case when mod (level,2)=0then 2 else null end dept_id from dual connect by level<6 )A right outer join (select level emp_id ,level*200 salary ,case when mod (level,3)=0 then 2 else null end dept_id from dual connect by level<6)B On A.dept_id=B.dept_id And A.emp_id=B.emp-id;