What is rank function in sql?
What will you get by the cursor attribute sql%rowcount?
What is exit statement?
What is right join sql?
What is pragma exception and how, when, where us
is it mandatory to select all the column in a view then what columns should be selected
discuss about myisam key cache. : Sql dba
What is view? Can we update view
How much does sql cost?
what is the difference between inner and outer join? Explain with example. : Sql dba
Find out the 3rd highest salary?
51 Answers BirlaSoft, DAC, Silvia Infotech, Sutra Infotech,
what is an extent ? : Sql dba
write a procedure to print a statement or number not using "dbms_output.put_line" package.write a procedure instead of it using procdure name as "print" ex:- declare a number:=2; begin print(a); end; /* when U type above procedure 2 have to should be printed*/