how to enter binary numbers in sql statements? : Sql dba
What is Pragma EXECPTION_INIT ? Explain the usage ?
how to retrieve last tree records from table? select *from emp where rownum > (select count(*)-3 from emp); i am using this query to get last three records from table but its not giving any output, so please tell me what is the error in this query.
What is trigger price?
What is the difference between unique and primary key constraints?
Where do we use pl sql?
what is a cursor? : Sql dba
hi sql gurus, here is my question 4 u. i wanna use triggers for sending reminder mail to all users who are registered to the site. if any one knws the code plz send me ans here : thnx advance
What is CYCLE/NO CYCLE in a Sequence?
What is the difference between UNIQUE CONSTRAINT and PRIMARY KEY? 1. There is no difference. 2. A PRIMARY KEY cannot be declared on multiple columns. 3. A UNIQUE CONSTRAINT cannot be declared on multiple columns. 4. A table can have multiple PRIMARY KEYS but only one UNIQUE CONSTRAINT. 5. A table can have multiple UNIQUE CONSTRAINTs but only one PRIMARY KEY.
What are inbuilt functions in sql?
What is meaning of <> in sql?
How can you create an empty table from an existing table?