Why we use triggers in mysql?
What mean sql?
Regarding joins what are the differences you observed in oracle 9i and sql server?
What is audit logout in sql profiler?
how can I make a script that can be bi-language (supports english, german)? : Sql dba
What are the benefits of pl/sql packages?
Is sql better than access?
table name: prod there are three fields in the table that are 1.proddate 2.prodQty 3.model Day wise prodQty is stored in the table prod write a query to display total prodqty in the year 2004 april.
How many columns should be in an index?
Write a procedure to return the month and the number of developers joined in each month (cursor )
what is difference b/w pravite procedures and public procedures?
3 Answers Steria, Wipro, Zensar,
Difference between a query and strored procedure?
Can we join 3 tables in sql?