What is trigger in sql? Explain
Why do we use triggers?
What is an escape character in sql?
declare l1 number := null; l2 number :=null; begin if l1=l2 then message('equal'); else if l1<>l2 then message('not equal'); else message('else'); end if; end if; end; What will be the output ?
How do I save the results of sql query in a file?
write sub query for eliminating duplicate rows using analytical function?
Which are the different character-manipulation functions in sql?
What are the two parts of a procedure ?
How do you use collections in procedure to return the resultset?
What is query optimization in sql?
What is the difference between a database and a relational database?
I Defined SP1, Sp2 (sp=StoreProcedures)In Package Specification but I Implemented Sp1, sp2, sp3, sp4, sp5 then What type of Error You will find????
What is database white box testing and black box testing?