Why do we use partitions in sql?
what is data integrity
What is %type in pl sql?
Cite the differences between execution of triggers and stored procedures?
can use the following like overloading concept in a single package: procedure p1(a varchar), procedure p1(a varchar2), procedure p1(a char)
What is dynamic SQl and how you will create and execute dynamic sql?
How to return more than one value from a function?
What are the conditions an underlying table must satisfy before a cursor can be used by a positioned update or delete statement? : Transact sql
mail-id table contains two columns(email_id,userid) it contains different types of mail-ids,and no of users. here username length is differ na,(ex- tamil@yahoo.com,joshua@hotmail.com like) now i want to fetch the email-ids only starting from '@' (ex-@gmail.com,@yahoo.com,@hotmail.com
What data types does pl/SQL have?
Can we use out parameter in function?
In a distributed database system, can we execute two queries simultaneously?
what does it mean to have quoted_identifier on? What are the implications of having it off? : Sql dba