On which date the constitution of Jammu & Kasmir was came
into force
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what is the salary of the driver of president ?
hi this is ur frnd and i had completed my b.tech in 2008 due to some of the supply i had wrote my exams in may and got result in august 2009 and cleared every thing and i am here to know that i am eligible to write group2 which the notification was released in September 2009 please tel me
On which Right does the ?contempt of Court? places restrictions
plz tell me about the electives in group2
i also want someone to help me in knowing what are the '%'s that one has to get in applying for group-2 starting from standard 10 ...
Who said ? Nationalism is a religion that comes from God?
Who is the head of National Defence Committee?
Who said, ?Magistrate is a Speaking Law?
What is maximum strength of the Lok Sabha as envisaged by the Constitution
i want group 4 material in telugu If any body knows plz tell me.
22 Answers APSE, Group 4 iv, Satyam, SSAA, SV, Telugu Academy, VI,
Who said, ?Eternal vigilence is the price of liberty.
In which Article the definition of ?State? was given in our constitution
1 Answers APPSC, Navbharat Enterprises, Satyam,