Group II History Interview Questions
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In ancient India, the trade was promoted through which


1 6788

Who contributed a lot in promotion and expansin of trade and comer during pre-Gupta and Gupta period

1 5279

Which was the largest urban centre in early ancient India

3 14475

As per Megasthenes between which towns the Great Royal road was run

1 5239

Who first maintained trade relations with Roman empire

2 5335

What was the reason for India becoming an intermediary in the silk trade between China & the west

1 4968

What are the results of interaction with the West in exchange of merchandise & ideas during Gupta period

1 4365

Why Arikamedu was the most important Indo-Roman trade centre

2 8051

What were the characteristics of guilds organized during Gupta period

1 7202

Can you correctly describe the composition of the ?Workers? Cooperatives? in ancient India

1 4261

Before Indo-Greek rule in India, who issued the coins

1 5235

From which place largest number of Roman coins were found

1 4912

Why the Satavahanas issued lead coins predominantly

2 6919

Who are first Indian rulers to issue gold coins like as Romans

RRC Railway Recruitment Cell,

13 34419

What are the reasons for decline of foreign trade during the later Gupta period

1 4885

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the famous 'Pearl Mosque' was built by


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I want to prepare for groups but am in USA where can i get material for preparing groups and what is the syllabus? I dont have any idea about groups.Can you suggest me any one.If anyone have soft material please send to me my mail id is


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the famous book 'Annals of Rajasthan' is authored by


lenkas word termed during kakatiya rule is meant for


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we want when notification release?


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Who is the Founder of 'The Asiatic Society of Bengal'