Who said, The Jew has stolen woman from us through the form of sex democracy
The concept of ?Isomorphism? is related to which theory
Which type of political system is running in England
Which country is known as ?Party State?
Through amendment the Anti-Defection Act was enacted
On which Right does the ?contempt of Court? places restrictions
APPSC, High Court,
In which Article the definition of ?State? was given in our constitution
APPSC, Navbharat Enterprises, Satyam,
Which was termed as the ?Magna Carta of India?
APPSC, Cipla, Infosys, KAS, SSC,
Which state does not have its Scheduled Tribe contribution in Lok Sabha
On which date the constitution of Jammu & Kasmir was came into force
Who said ? Nationalism is a religion that comes from God?
What is maximum strength of the Lok Sabha as envisaged by the Constitution
Who are the authors of the Indian Constitution as per its Preamble
Who described Cripps proposals as a ?post dated cheque?
Politics without religion is like a dead body, who said it
Post New Group II Political Science Questions
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