Can any one tell me what are the books that should be followed for GROUP II (APPSC) exam. pl. mail it to Thanks in advance.
2 4964pls tell me the link or related sites for group II Or send 2 mail id thanks
1 3875i saw one column in Groups notification that is special recruitment it is for engineering condidates. here my doubt is it comes under Groups or it come another time. if yes please tell me when it come. Actually i m in student, i prepared Groups under catagory of special recruitment please give me the information in brieflly its urgent. thank u
1768please tell me about 18th point in application form of group2.order of preferences for zone it for both executive n non-executive posts?i m not clear abt this question.can anyone tell me how to fill that very urgent?
2 4717Who was the indian acting presently as the personal secretary for France President,Nicolas Sarkojy?
1 3733Post New Group II AllOther Questions
HI friends, Can any one tell me about referrence books for group 2 exam of all three papers individually, any one know plzzzzzzzzz send me to the mail
hi This is Ashok i applied for Group 2 in october 2009 notification :38/2008 and SUPPLEMENTARY NOTIFICATION NO. : 11/2009,i would like to know when will be the exam?
i want to know details about group intrested in socilogoy sub...i want to prepair telugu language...pls ans to my ques..give me details abt
Hi friends.I am parveen.I want to know how to present our answer in group 1 mains.can any body know please answer me.I am searching for this for so many months
please send GR-2 previous question papers to my mail
i need group 2 study material can send me ebooks my mailid :
sir i am preparing for aso exam so plz send a copy of previous question papers?
which is the best institute in vizag of group 2
halo i prepare group2 exams but i dont know about which type of material used for group2 exams. plz let me know about xeros material of group2 books and xeros centre numbers and address.
Please send the ASO Exam model and Previous Papers my email Id is
Hi Friends warm greetings i hope many preparing for AMVI kindly share Known question papers and the same i will share to u all once i found
hi i need group 2 material.If any body have send it to me.MAIL
hi frends,i am studing 2nd am very interested about group 2, Can any one tell me about referrence books for group 2 exam of all three papers individually, any one know plzzzzzzzzz send me to the mail ...............plese friends...................
I did my MS in Automotive Engineering & B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering. Am planing to write APPSC Group-II exam for Motor vehicle Inspector post. So does any one got previous exam papers related to above mentioned subjects. You can mail me at
Can any body send the Contact phone no.s or Address for Groups Audio cds