What is srs and brs document?
How to test an Scheduled event? For ex: in an investment banking application, the scheduler will create an equity anbd user has nothing to do but tester has to test if the instrument is created properly or not?
Diffference between System Testing & Integration Testing?
Regression testing: suppose you have 1000 test cases & u find a bug in unchanged component , so whether you test whole test case or some particular test case
1> Which is the latest technology use for login page? 2> What is virtual keyboard? Is it more secure than key board?
hi can anyone tell me about vision plus testing? and what about its future
Hi, Surbhi Here. Last Week I attended interview in a gaming interview and i cleared T.L , Sr T.L, Technical and Q.A MANAGER ROUND ALSO . but atlast they wrote doubtful on my resume. still my resume is on same status . so is there any chances that i can get call from them
Explain the procedure for manual testing.
What is a maturity level?
is Testing Engineer Involve in designing the Test Design
What’s the relation between environment reality and test phases?
i need some objective type papers for my certification
What is Data guidelines?