Write the force balance equation of ideal spring element.
Hot Water System (HWS). Will a 30ma elcb have more nuisance tripping than 100ma elcb
what is the main purpose of line PT and bus PT?
What is the alternate solution for testing of polarity by using polarity tester while its milli ammeter does not works?
What is the working principle of servo motor? And explain it.
what is the distance maintained between the power and data cables with respect to the KVA .... plss give me the formula
how to 2 phase supply from 3 phase
what is the grounding Calculation formula? spouse i want to provide grounding to 3phase 18kw motor or i want to provide ground to 3phase 10kva dry type transformere or you give me any exemple...... Thanks.
How does MCB operate without relay..?
why we have to particulary use ACB for below ratings,even available of MCB,MCCB with that range ?
2 Answers QRG Health City, Siemens,
You are of electrical field and you are going for software? Why
What is rotating magnetic field?Discuss elaborately.
what are 3 factors when selecting a contactor for a job?