Define hard-driving or over-driving?
Why is schottky diode called hot-carrier diode?
What is cache coherence?
Define timer.
Explain what are the basic logic elements?
hi i am Electronics and Telecommunication i am 2008 passing out batch from ORISSA.please help me for written test for PE for BEL(BHARAT ELECTRONICS LIMITED)Which will be conduct on me as much as u can,plzssssssss........
What is the reason that sometimes we get network busy message in mobiles while attempting a call?
what is orthogonal code of 0
How many types of Transmission cards are in Flexi BTS?
whats the difference between diode and transistor
why we use MOSFET ?
two progress are given. one starts counting from 0 to MAX and the other ?
Tell me why gold is added to the p-n junction?