What are the disadvantages of ac voltage controllers?
what is asynchronous data transfer???
Explain what is associate law?
What do you mean by a precision diode?
In UMTS, which will control RRC protocol??
what is the procedure of a call? MS to MS STD. i want to know about the questions of telecom. plz send me on my mail id. friends also can send me ....... my mail id is suneel.ec31@gmail.com
im an electronics and communication engineering..i have to attend an interview based on contract basis.i kindly request u to send all possible questions to my mail. MY EMAIL ID IS -ashishkashyap931@gmail.com
What is difference between fixed-bias circuit & self-bias circuit?
what is peer to peer communication?
What is power electronics?
What are the properties of FFT? What happens when you pass a signal of 1000Hz through an FFT?????
Difference b/w low pass filter and integrator in case of Opamp's ??
two progress are given. one starts counting from 0 to MAX and the other ?