im an electronics and communication engineering..i have to attend an interview based on contract basis.i kindly request u to send all possible questions to my mail. MY EMAIL ID IS
Describe the working of 3φ fully controlled bridge converter in the rectifying mode and inversion mode. And derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms output voltage?
Define a hole in a semiconductor.
among the chebsew and butterworth filter which is more efficient?
What is meant by optical space communication ?
areas for improvement
what is ups and inverters. and how to give battery connections for ups.
what is a node of a tree?
What types of carriers are present in space charge region?
what is a voltage follower?
i want model questions which will be asked in hindustan aeronautics online test for the post of managenent trainee
0 Answers Flextronics, HAL, NIC,
how do i write program like one shown 1234567654321 123456 654321 12345 54321 1234 4321 123 321 12 21 1 1
4 Answers College School Exams Tests, DELL, HCL, NIIT, Punjabi University, Queen Mary College, TCS, Wipro,
light travels faster than sound then why do we hear sound first and not video in telivision?