What is meant by inverter?
what are the advatages and disadvantages of Ku-Band compared to Extended-C band???
Explain how to calculate the rectangle of conductor of different sizes?
i have taken gre exam twice... first time i got 287( quant:154 & verbal: 133) second time i got 288(quant:149 & verbal:139) is there possibility to take universities -----quant:154& verbal:139....TOTAL=293 can u plz give me information regarding this............. if it is possible for some universities plz give me 5 best universities plz.........
What is the difference between generator differential protection and transformer differential protection??
What is transistor?
Why the actual q-factor of the coil is someexplain what larger than the calculated q-factor?
Define drift current in a semiconductor.
Explain why an ammeter should be of very low resistance?
What is the advantage of on-off control?
Explain what is an operational amplifier?
How can we know the Watts for pc,lcd, ....etc without using specificaation manual please give reply thanks.
disadvantages of delta modulation?