Why the actual q-factor of the coil is someexplain what larger than the calculated q-factor?
What are the advantages of gray code?
What is meant by the deflection factor of a cro?
What are the poles of alternators made of?
please define master-slave flip flop briefly.
Why the feeding frequency to a microprocessor is twice the operating frequency?
what is a voltage controlled oscillator?
Hall effect can be used to measure
Explain what are edge triggered flip flop and level triggered flip flop? How do they differ from one another?
what is the main function of LED ?
Explain zener breakdown?
What is the type of signaling used between two exchanges? a) inband b) common channel signaling c) any of the above d) none of the above.
two independent random variables x and y are uniformly distributed in the interval [-1,1].the probability that max[x,y] is less than 1/2 is a) 3/4 b)9/16 c)1/4 d)2/3