What is the main purpose of power electronics?
Tell me why bjt is called current control device?
why we used pin 8 in opamp?
Hi.. I M Goinig to appear for ISRO exam On 26 April 2009. is any body tel mi the pattern of question paper ant the interview question regarding that...
hi i am electronics & telecomm engg & appling 4 the AAI jr executive (electronics/ATC) written test. pls forward me the syllabus & old question papers.I will be very much thankful to you. pis inform to
what is mean by semiconductor?& what is mean by electronics?
Hiiii....Friends Which one is right? 1.All transducers are sensors but all sensors are not transducers.(or) 2.All sensors are transducers but all transducers are not sensors..... Plzzzz tel me guys...thank u in advance...
why do we do the experiments regarding motors(swinburns, magnetization of dc shunt motor....) with constant speed
What is faithfull amplification?
what is the role of electronics,communication engg. in IT industry?
what is practical application of clipper circuit?
16 Answers Avanceon, BMW, Sony, Usha Martin,
what is the working of silicon controlled resistor