What is the duty cycle in on-off control method?
Explain the operation of multistage control of ac voltage controllers with neat diagram?
Define what is meant by fermi level in semiconductor? Where does the fermi level lie in an intrinsic semiconductor?
How do you calculate the amount of feedback given in a negative feedback amplifier ? Illustrate
What are the advantages of sequence control of ac voltage regulators?
What is a Quality Factor?
19 Answers AML, IIT, L&T, Nalco,
Which device produces voltage variable capacitor? How the voltage variable capacitance varies with the change in voltage across it?
Define virtual grounding?
SR flip flop is basically which type of multivibrator?
16 Answers Avanceon, BMW, Sony, Usha Martin,
which is better in short range commn AM or FM? and why
what is fixed bias with and without decoupling capacitor?
FlexiHopper and MetroHopper?