Define what is photodiode?
What is the cascading used in IC ? Option are: 1.Direct 2.Inductive 3.Capacitive. 4.None
Describe transducer ei pickups in instrumentation and control engineering?
how we r approching testing\ institutes
which language is not object oriented?
why hybrid parameter are called as h parameter?
What are the advantages of ac voltage controllers?
What is meant by high frequency carrier gating?
WHEN A SIGNAL x(t) GIVEN TO DIFFERENTIATOR Gives y(n); when y(t) is multiplied by sinusoidal signal gives a positive sided sinusoidal signal, what is the laplace transform of x(t)& y(t)? y(n) ?
What is the ruturn loss?
why we use MOSFET ?
"11101111" when that bit oriented message transmitting from sender to is it calculate parity bit and how is it show bit stream that would be even parity error detection scheme..pls send me an answer..very important,,
what is difference between electronic device and electronic element?