two independent random variables x and y are uniformly distributed in the interval [-1,1].the probability that max[x,y] is less than 1/2 is a) 3/4 b)9/16 c)1/4 d)2/3
3 9713Post New Goodrich Interview Questions
If you are working in a Super market, what techniques / tools you will use in data collection. How are you going to analysis the data and make references? How will you apply your market research to improve sales and win over customers?
Are there any questions you would like to ask?
Define ecosystem in your own language?
Where can I get a copy of struts?
how the instance is controlled by serial-no?
What Is Money Market Account?
Which kind of operations are included in treasury operations?
how many types of motor can be used in washing machine
Describe the function and utility of the most difficult SAS macro that you have written?
What is a data warehousing?
Explain css3 selectors.
What are browser events?
What is java Applet?
Does the extrusion process for a355 and a356 alloy have any impact on the impact energy?
How do you launch ie/chrome browser?