What chemical is used to expand air bags in such a short amount of time?
QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.9 : In quantum computing, find the equations of S = (a | 0 > + b | 1 >) (g | 0 > + d | 1 >) in term of | 00 >, | 01 >, | 10 > and / or | 11 > when ad = 0.
Mention some of the specialized grinding and crushing methods.
pls send me HPCL & reliance test paper for chemical engineering.....
4 Answers BCPL, HPCL, NOCL, Reliance,
What is some good advice for specifying allowable pressure drops in shell and tube exchangers for heavy hydrocarbons?
In Pressure Sfety Valve(PSV) 2" by pass line why given for process units.
Question 93 - In thin layer chromatography (TLC), let retention factor Rf = (distance traveled by solute) / (distance traveled by solvent). Silica gel is used as stationary phase which is more polar than the hexane solvent as mobile phase. If the Rf values of 3 solutes A, B and C are 1.5, 0.75 and 1 respectively, compare the polarities of A, B and C with reasons.
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.35 : A voluntary accountant is performing Du Pont Analysis for a charitable engineering organization. References for 3-step Du Pont formula are : (ROE) = (Net Income $) / (Equity $), where ROE is Return On Equity. (ROS) = (Net Income $) / (Sales $), where ROS is Return On Sales. (Asset Turnover) = (Sales $) / (Assets $). (Leverage) = (Assets $) / (Equity $). From the balance sheet and income statement, the company has Assets of $3753.19 this year and $3216.86 last year. Sales for this year is $2292.34. Let ROE = 0.37 and ROS = 0.21. (a) Calculate the Asset Turnover of the organization. (b) Find the value of the organizational Leverage. (c) Calculate the Net Income $ of the organization.
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.30 : A biochemical engineering sales contract adopts Cost Recovery Method in its company accounting. Gross profit is realised only when cash collections exceed the total cost of goods sold. Let Y = Original Cost Recovered, Z = Gross Profit Realised. Its property was sold at A = $500k with cost of B = $300k. Its engineering accountant receives cash of C = $240k in first year, D = $180k in second year and E in third year. (a) Find the values of Y and Z in : (i) first year; (ii) second year; (iii) third year. (b) What is the exact value of E if all cash has been fully received from sales?
Question 49 - According to rules of thumb in chemical process design, consider the use of an expander for reducing the pressure of a gas when more than 20 horsepowers can be recovered. The theoretical adiabatic horsepower (THp) for expanding a gas could be estimated from the equation : THp = Q [ Ti / (8130a) ] [ 1 - (Po / Pi) ^ a ] where 3 ^ 3 is 3 power 3 or 27, Q is volumetric flowrate in standard cubic feet per minute, Ti is inlet temperature in degree Rankine, a = (k - 1) / k where k = Cp / Cv, Po and Pi are reference and systemic pressures respectively. (a) Assume Cp / Cv = 1.4, Po = 14.7 psia, (temperature in degree Rankine) = [ (temperature in degree Celsius) + 273.15 ] (9 / 5), nitrogen gas at Pi = 90 psia and 25 degree Celsius flowing at Q = 230 standard cubic feet per minute is to be vented to the atmosphere. According to rules of thumb, should an expander or a valve be used? (b) Find the outlet temperature To by using the equation To = Ti (Po / Pi) ^ a.
how to calculate material balnce & energy balnce
7 Answers MahaGenco, Oil India, ONGC,
Hi, This is Naveen, plz if anybody have experience of IOCL interview, send me question.
UNIT OPERATION - EXAMPLE 9.3 : In the distillation of binary systems by Mc Cabe Thiele method, the equation for the line of top section is given by y = [ R / (R + 1) ] x + XD / (R + 1). 2 points on the line are (0.99, 0.99) and (0, 0.36). Find the reflux ratio of R and XD.