Define virtual object?
For Data-Driven testing can you use micro soft word document instead of using Datatable what is your approach?
results.xls file is automatically generated while running the script in QTP.But it is showing error to open the file
1. What is diffrence between Analog Recording And Lomlevel Recording ?
Tell when we call the function? tell with example.
how do find current links in webpage for ex: in yahoowebsite today mainpage is having 50 links and next day same page is having 60 links. if i run same programe it should display total links in webpage ?
If you are using descriptive programming and you have two objects with the same name, so you are identiying them by name and index, how can you avoid errors if a third object with the same name is added at the begining of the page?
What is the difference between shared and local object repository?
hi can any body give me a script for creating a modularity or keyword driven framework..i am working as a qtp tester for 2 months but still i am not exposed to framework in my company
I am not able to record yahoomail browser.its giving error like "The browser Application can't be launched .Posssibly the URL is wrong" So anyone can tell me what setting i have to do in qtp??
How to get the column count and column name from the resultset in the database connection program?
Why do we go for Qtp? What are the advantages of qtp? Diff between winrunner and Qtp?
what is the main process in QTP?