What is the tensile strength of wood?
You have 3 snd sample of different FM=0.21,FM=0.95,FM=2.90 which one is suitable for a)plastering on R.C.C b)plastering on masonary wall c)concreting column d)concreting of bored pile.also justify your answer.
-what is the meaning of M.S.L for civil field? -what is the grade slab and suspension slab?
Providing and casting in situ cement concrete M-25 of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for rcc, Providing formwork,Curing the concrete and Complete. what is rate per Cum. and what is rate for M-30 Grade Concrete.
how to caliculate required amount of cement and sand required for 1cu.m.
how to prepare the bar bending schedule for a given rcc material?It will be more helpful if you explain me with an example?
in a building what is the thickness of a wall in metres? dafault wall value?
What is meant by Rolling Margin? & which material will effect in this ?
insted of bentonite we can use any alternate material in piling ?
material used for mendrel use to bend epoxy coated rebar
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what is meant by structural design?
What will you do if a portion of load bearing wall collapses under your supervision?