How to get a list all databases on the sql server?
Can we insert data if clustered index is disabled?
What is ddl command?
plz tell me the new features of sqlserver2000,sqlserver2002,sqlserver2005
What is the difference between for xml raw and for xml auto?
Data table as parameter in sql server?
Explain indexed views?
In the below query i have performed the commit transaction statement but still the values after the save are not saved. Can you please let me know why are the statements after save are rolled back even after commiting the data. help me with the understanding declare @trans2 varchar(10)='transaction2' begin transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(100,'xy',600); save transaction @trans2 insert into emp values(200,'pq',700); insert into emp values(300,'pq',800); commit transaction @trans2 rollback tran @trans2
Explain what are magic tables in sql server?
How to find the latest updated value in a table without sending any parameters to that query
Your table has a large character field there are queries that use this field in their search clause what should you do?
Explain different types of collation sensitivity?
Hi, I Created 3 Tables Person(PersID[prkey],Name,Email,Password), Project(ProjName,ProjID[prkey],ProjLeader,ProjManager) & ProjectInvolvement(EntryDate,ProjID[frkey],PersID[frkey],ProjDuration). For this how can i INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Through PROCEDURE? Please Post the Answer for me. Desai.