Who built the first production scale pla (polylactic acid) facility?

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On what basis are materials to be crushed evaluated apart from size?

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Question 78 - Fact 1 : Dry air contains 20.95 % oxygen, 78.09 % nitrogen, 0.93 % argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases by volume. Fact 2 : Volume occupied is directly proportional to the number of moles for ideal gases at constant temperature and pressure. Fact 3 : 12.5 moles of pure oxygen is required to completely burn 1 mole of pure octane. Fact 4 : Air–fuel ratio (AFR) is the mass ratio of dry air to fuel present in a combustion process such as in an internal combustion engine or industrial furnace. Fact 5 : Molecular weight of oxygen gas is 31.998 g / mole and molecular weight of nitrogen gas is 28.014 g / mole. (a) Find the molar ratio of nitrogen and oxygen, or (moles of nitrogen) / (moles of oxygen) in dry air, by assuming ideal features of nitrogen and oxygen gases. (b) How many moles of nitrogen are available if dry air is used to completely burn the 1 mole pure octane? (c) Find the mass of fuel of 1 mole of octane with molecular weight of 114.232 g / mole. (d) Find the mass of dry air with 12.5 moles of pure oxygen by assuming only oxygen and nitrogen gases exist in the air. (e) Find the air-fuel ratio (AFR) when octane is used as fuel. (f) Find the fuel-air ratio (FAR) when octane is used as fuel.

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Define a barometric condenser?

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What are the steps required to design a vapor-liquid separator or flash drum?

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What is some good advice for specifying allowable pressure drops in shell and tube exchangers for heavy hydrocarbons?

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How can you prevent bridging in a dilute phase pneumatic conveying system?

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Solve the first order differential equation : (Z 1)(dy/dx) = xy in term of ln |y| = f(x). Z = (x)(x).

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QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.2 : (a) In a biomolecule, ATP hydrolysis will produce 3 kcal / mol to 60 kcal / mol of energy, according to energy scale. Find the range of such energy generation if 2 moles of molecules involved. (b) A formula is given by ln P = ln a + b ln W where P = metabolic rate, W = body size, a = dependent of taxa, b = scaling exponent. If b is approximately 1 for plant, and b is approximately 0.75 for animal, find the relationship of P as a function of a and W in plant.

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what is difference between precipitation and crystalisation

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Explain some common piping materials used to transport slurries?

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what is mean by chemical engineering and its scope in industry

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What fluid first to be lined up in a heat exchanger whether hot or liquid?why?

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