how do you know the testcases writing completed

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how do you know the testcases writing completed..

Answer / rafi

we will ensure that all testcases are covered or not by
means of traciblity is like a check list.we will
check each test case with the requirements.

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how do you know the testcases writing completed..

Answer / prasannat

Tracability Matrix

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how do you know the testcases writing completed..

Answer / sujatha

by using TRM(means tracebility req matrix) we can know the
how many of the test cases are covered and how many of test
cases are not covered.

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how do you know the testcases writing completed..

Answer / rajeshwar rao

By looking at these tracibility matrix. we can check all
the test cases are coverd or not.
by looking at these tracibility matrix we can check all the
testcases are written as per the srs brs documentes.

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