What are the different dml commands in sql?
what is a join? : Sql dba
How do I clear the screen in sql plus?
Define the select into statement.
What is bind reference and how can it be created?
How is Oracle 10g helpful when compared to oracle 9i and what is grid computing
Which is faster truncate or drop?
What is null in pl/sql?
Which are the different character-manipulation functions in sql?
Define sql delete statement.
Which one of the following is a reason that an INSERT statement might cause an error instead of executing correctly? 1. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a view that was created from more than one table. 2. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record using a combination of constants and values from an existing table. 3. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record with a non-NULL value into a table that has that column defined as NULL. 4. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a table by selecting a record from that same table. 5. The INSERT statement was attempting to insert a record into a view rather than a table.
can we write stored function in out parameters? how to call through select statement? how to written more than one value plz give the exmple?
Hi, Can anybody please explain me the flow of the below query. I am not able to understand how this query works. This query is for finding the Nth highest salary.. SELECT DISTINCT (a.sal) FROM EMP A WHERE &N = (SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT (b.sal)) FROM EMP B WHERE a.sal<=b.sal); If N = 2 then second highest salary will be the o/p. If N = 3 then third highest salary will be the o/p. and so on.. Thanks, Nitin
5 Answers Deloitte, Ness Technologies,