Which is faster truncate or drop?
Store procedure will return a value?
table having two columns - entity,zone enity zone pen east pen west pen north pen south pen east pencil east pencil east pencil west I want the output as : entity east west north south pen 2 1 1 1 pencil 2 1 0 0
What are the modes of parameters that can be passed to a procedure ?
Differentiate between % rowtype and type record.
How to move files from one directory to another in pl sql?
why we go for package? what are the advantages of using instead of seperate procuderes or functions
Explain what is a subquery ?
How do you delete data from a table?
What is procedure explain with example?
if we give update table_name set column_name= default. what will happen?
What is cross join example?
What is difference between ms sql and mysql?