What are the types of functional testing?

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What are the types of functional testing?..

Answer / dumbest1

As per ISO 9126, Functional testing is related to what a
system does i.e. it's functions. Functional testing is also
referred to as Black Box Testing but it is not entirely true
as Black Box Testing also consists of Non-Functional Testing
as well.

Functional Testing can be done focusing on suitability,
interoperability, security, accuracy and compliance.

It can be done from two perspectives: requirements-based and

Requirement-Based Testing includes:
1. Equivalence Partitioning
2. Boundary Value Analysis
3. Decision Tables
4. State Transition Testing

Business-process-based testing:
1. Use case testing

Non-functional testing, on the other hand, can include
performance testing, load testing, stress testing, usability
testing, maintainability testing, reliability testing and
portability testing. It is basically checking 'How Well' the
system works.

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What are the types of functional testing?..

Answer / akshay

Functional Testing

- Accuracy Testing
- Interoperability testing
- Suitability Testing
- Accessibility testing
- Usability Testing

Non Functional Testing

- Software Attack/Security Testing
- Performance Testing
- Database Testing
- Data Recovery Testing Etc.

Specification Based/Black Box Testing Techniques

- Equivalence Partition
- Boundary Value Analysis
- Decision Table
- Cause-Effect Graph Testing
- State Transaction Testing
- Combinatorial Testing
- Use Case Testing

Structure Based/White Box techniques

- Statement Coverage
- Decision coverage
- Condition coverage
- Multiple condition coverage Etc

Experience Based Testing techniques

- Exploratory Testing
- Error Guessing
- Checklist Based Testing

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What are the types of functional testing?..

Answer / shilpi

there are two types of testing
functional and non functional
Functional testing or black box testing are same.method of
black box testing are

boundary value analysis
equivalant partioning
error guessing.

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What are the types of functional testing?..

Answer / aditya

Type of functional testing are:

1]Black-Box Testing
2]Adhoc Testing
3]Exploratory Testing.

correct me if I wrong.

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What are the types of functional testing?..

Answer / smitha

As i know black box testing is also known as Functional
testing. as per this statement the following are the diff
types of functional testing:
1. Integration testing.
2. System testing.
3. Compatiablity
4. Performance
5. Smoke etc

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What are the types of functional testing?..

Answer / chandu


we go to test each functional of application
but purformence not include
purformence shows speed of exicution that application.
thats y it is called nonfunctional testing

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