An imaginary line joining places with same atmospheric
pressure is called
(a) Isotherms
(b) Isohyets
(c) Isobar
(d) None of the above
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A television and a refrigerator were sold for Rs. 12,000 each. If the television was sold at a loss of 20% of the cost and the refrigerator at a gain of 20% of the cost, then the entire transaction resulted in (a) No loss or gain (b) Loss of rs. 1,000 (c) Gain of rs. 1,000 (d) Loss of Rs. 1,200
Very strong and cold icy winds that blow in the Polar regions are called (a) Typhoons (b) Tornadoes (c) Blizzards (d) Polar winds
i am appearing an examination of assistant inspector of excise and the matter of fact is, i have no clue. can anyone help me out with likely questions?????
The average weight of 12 parcels is 1.8 kg. Addition of another new parcel reduces the average weight by 50 g. What is the weight of the new parcel? (a) 1.50 kg (b) 1.10 kg (c) 1.15 kg (d) 1.01 kg
A man walks a certain distance and rides back in 4 hours 30 minutes. He could ride both ways in 3 hours. The time required by the man to walk both ways is (a) 4 hours 30 minutes (b) 4 hours 45 minutes (c) 5 hours (d) 6 hours
What are causes for inflation ?
23 Answers College School Exams Tests, Gayatri, Reliance, Satyam,
what is the present bank rate of sbi
3 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
hind limbsthumping on groudn by a rabbit is a behaviour rwelated to : A. surrender to a stronger oppeonent b. courtship c. warining signal to members D . preparatinon for a duet
The Marginal Utility Curve slopes downwards from left to right indicating (a) A direct relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity (b) A constant relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity (c) A proportionate relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity (d) An inverse relationship between marginal utility and the stock of commodity
To be recognized as a National Party, a political party must earn recognition in a minimum of (a) Two States (b) Three States (c) Four States (d) Five States
Which of the following ports of India is on the eastern coast? (a) Cochin (b) Tuticorin (c) Kandla (d) Mumbai
Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa often face natural disasters due to (a) Cyclones (b) Earthquakes (c) Landslides (d) Tornadoes