The Speaker of Lok Sabha is removed by the (a) President (b) Majority of members of Lok Sabha (c) Prime Minister (d) Members of both the Houses of Parliament
4 18174Who among the following can be removed from office through impeachment by Parliament ? (a) Speaker of Lok Sabha (b) Prime Minister (c) Vice-President of India (d) President of India
4 21123To be recognized as a National Party, a political party must earn recognition in a minimum of (a) Two States (b) Three States (c) Four States (d) Five States
2 12942In order to be officially recognized as Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha his party should have at least (a) 10 per cent of the total strength of the House (b) 15 per cent of the total strength of the House (c) 20 per cent of the total strength of the House (d) 25 per cent of the total strength of the House
1 3795Which of the following rights does not belong to the Right to Freedom? (a) To assemble peacefully (b) To form associations or unions (c) To establish denominational institutions (d) To reside in any part of India
1 3751Elections to fill up one-third seats of Rajya Sabha are held (a) Every year (b) Once in two years (c) Once in five years (d) Once n six years
2 8620Joint sittings of the two Houses of Parliament are presided over by the (a) President of India (b) Speaker of Lok Sabha (c) Chairmanof Rajya Sabha (d) An MP, specially nominated by the President
7 20159The power to grant pardon to persons convicted of an offence is vested in the (a) President and the State Governor (b) Parliament (c) Union Law Minister (d) Attorney-General
1 5000Under the anti-defection law, a member of Indian Parliament or State Legislature loses the membership of the House if he or she (a) Is expelled from the party (b) Does not serve the people of the constituency well (c) Gives up the membership of the party (d) Criticizes President of the party
1 4528Insulin is produced by (a) Adrenal corted (b) Islets of Langerhans (c) Parathyroid glands (d) Pituitary lobe
1 3668Sound travels in (a) Straight line (b) Transversal wave motion (c) Longitudinal wave motion (d) Rotatory wave motion
4 8768A lighted candle gets extinguished when covered with a tumbler because of (a) Presence of non-luminous matter (b) Adequate supply of air (c) Inadequate supply of air (d) Absence of non-luminous matter
1 7205The radiator in an electric room heater is most effective when it is (a) Painted black (b) Painted white (c) Highly polished (d) Painted red
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