SSC Political Science Interview Questions
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Where is the objective of ?Social Justice? included in the Constitution of India?

5 10148

Who removes the Judges of Supreme Court and High Court?

7 7793

On which basis the states has representation in Rajya Sabha?

4 6947

Under which writs the Courts sought to produce a person in the court suspected to be missing or in custody?

2 6245

What is the motto inscribed under our national emblem?

4 8502

Who is ?Amicus Curiae??

3 6075

how minimum Recruitment age limit for a candidature for Prime Minister of India

Infosys, L&T, SSC,

15 24421

which political party has not been recongnised as a national political party? 1. indian national congress 2.bhartiya janat aparty 3. bahujan samaj party 4. trinamul congress

7 7401

Which of the following qualification is not essential for a person to become the Vice President of India?

KPSC Karnataka Public Service Corporation,

3 5161

The Present Secretary-General of the United Nations is a

KPSC Karnataka Public Service Corporation,

6 8994

Who among the following Indians served as the Prisisdent of the International Court of Justince?

KPSC Karnataka Public Service Corporation,

2 4845

Who formulated the People's plan for India in 1944?

KPSC Karnataka Public Service Corporation,

10 21296

What is address of syed shahabuddin, leder of samajwaji Party?



i want to hall ticket

Aster Teleservices,


Definite hypothetical situation of course: Assumptions, Obama is president/joe biden in the cabinet Buffet,Colon Powell. Scenario we as the public will not at the time be aware of. Warren Buffet says to Colon Powell if you can cover my food actually getting to the starving people you got it. Possible ramifications? pleae


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I want to mutual transfer from ahmedabad to delhi/chandigarh/dehradun/allahabad in indian audit and accounts department on steno post. if any body interested please contact me at this no 7226933007, 9917913820


give an example how u would manage time and leave administation


give an example of an organization system you have developed and put into practice