SSC Geography Interview Questions
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In which part of India, canal irrigation system is most common?

3 6202

In which coal has the lowest proportion of volatile matter?

2 5412

Where spice is mostly produced?

6 7561

Where Wheat is highly produced?

3 5425

Where is Tea highly produced?

7 7880

Where is Coffee highly produced?

3 5312

Where is Saffron highly produced?

3 5194

Where is the Koyna Project located?

6 9404

Where is Sharavathy Project located?

3 6043

Where is Balimela Project located?

5 8817

Where is Sabarigiri Project located?

6 14006

Where is Ranghambor National Park is located?

3 5201

Where is Bandiur National Park is located?

5 7600

Where is Gir National Park is located?

7 9576

Where are the Saltora Ranges located?

4 10440

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