To be recognized as a National Party, a political party must earn recognition in a minimum of (a) Two States (b) Three States (c) Four States (d) Five States
2 12796Post New CSEB Interview Questions
How to import all exports of a file as an object.
What is @html in mvc?
Which profile required to access solution in Designer tool?
Mention what is the Android testing strategy?
What is the difference between turbo c++ and visual c++?
What is a cell in excel?
What are the different types of variables in obiee? Explain
What are dml triggers and types of dml triggers?
What is the difference between account based profitability analysis and costing based profitability analysis?
why do u need an ANT?
What is the script in python?
How to authoring and signing a service contract?
What are positions?
How do I turn on activex?
Two tables emp(empid,name,deptid,sal) and dept(deptid,deptname) are there.write a query which displays empname,corresponding deptname also display those employee names who donot belong to any dept.