You created a set of book , where you will attach this SOB
in AP?
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Answer / sushmareddy
3) Create a new organization:
Manual Path: Purchasing Manager or Inventory Manager
Setup, Organizations, Organizations
Name = Orlando HQ
Type = Corporate Headquarters
From = 01-JAN-99
Location = ORLANDO
Organization Classifications (name = Operating Unit, Enable
= Yes)
Press 'Others' button, set Legal Entity = Global Computers
Inc. ???JANE
How to setup a new AP responsibility for the new
1) Create a new AP responsibility:
Manual Path: System Administrator Responsibility,
Security, Responsibility, Define
Responsibility = AP Manager ORLANDO
Application = Oracle Payables
Description = AP Manager ORLANDO
Effective Dates (From = 01-JAN-99)
Data Group (Name = Standard, Application = Oracle Payables)
Request Group (Name = All Reports, Application = Oracle
2) Connect the new AP responsibility to the new
Manual Path: System Administrator Responsibility,
Profile, System
Click on Responsibility, choose "AP Manager ORLANDO",
set Profile = 'MO: Operating Unit", press "Find" button,
set it to "orlando HQ"
3) Assume you have already defined a new set of
books "Orlando Operations&
now we need to connect the new set of books to the new AP
Manual Path: System Administrator Responsibility,
Profile, System
Click on Responsibility, choose "AP Manager ORLANDO",
set Profile = 'GL Set of Books Name', press "Find" button,
set it to "Orlando Operations".
4) Add the new AP responsibility into your
Manual Path: System Administrator Responsibility,
Security, User, Define
Query on your user name, add "AP Manager ORLANDO" into your
5) Basic Setup in AP for the new AP responsibility:
Manual Path: AP Manager ORLANDO Responsibility,
Setup, Set of books, choose
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / sita
SOBs always attached to a responsibility ..under sys
admin>profile there we have to select payable respos and
then GL SET OF BOOKS profile to be attached to it.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / manisha
If we consider multi-org which is like:
buisness Entity then Set of Books and then comes Legal
So i think the new set of books get attached to the Legal
now as far as AP is considered we can just ensure wheteher
AP can use the accounting calender for day to day
transaction by following:
Choose set of books.
Level:Operating Unit
Change responsibilirty to Payables Manager.
navigation:Setup--->Set of Books--->choose.
since i ma new to oracle apps plz let me know if I am
thank you
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / salman faridi
There are two things
1) Profile option
2) Choose SOB
You need to set profile option
GL:Sets of Books for your responsibility so that it point
to your SOB.
When doing a fresh Implementation the very first time you
go to payables and try to complete set-ups for financial
options you will get an error message and you will not be
able to open it.
So during implementation time the first step will be to
choose the SOB in Choose SOB form and once saved you cannot
change it, so be sure that you are giving correct SOB.
Now go to financial options and define the setups.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ravindra reddy
At Responsibility we need to attach the SOB ( set of book )
Sys Admin- Profile- Profile options
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / mohammed
In AP the ledger/set of books is attached at the Payable options level.
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Answer / kom
Set Of Books (SOB) attachs at System Administrator profile
options for the sub ledger. Here is the navigation for it.
Sys admin--> Profile
Give your responsibility name (AP), Profile : %ledger%name%
then click on Find button.
attach your set of books at RESPONSIBILITY level.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / san
ofcource the org will given the requirement then the
financial anliyst will created the sobs and it will be
assign in ap in following way setp-sobs-define or select
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / rashmi
Set of book is attached at the level at which General
ledger is kept.If GL is kept at Business Group level...than
SOB will be attached at that level.If not than at Legal
Entity level.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 5 No |
whichever documents prepaired by the FUNCTIONAL CONSULTANT while implementing project by using AIM.
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