How do you write unit test cases ?

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How do you write unit test cases ?..

Answer / mms zubeir

Both the above answers are wrong.

Unit test cases are normally not written after coding but
they are written before coding.

So, break up the functionality into smallest pieces like
each broken piece of functionality can accept an input
criteria as well as output criteria.

Is This Answer Correct ?    75 Yes 9 No

How do you write unit test cases ?..

Answer / naveen verma

First approach must be to break your code. Write the
testcase with wrost condition first and best condition later.

Is This Answer Correct ?    40 Yes 7 No

How do you write unit test cases ?..

Answer / kns

Test cases are normally written on a basis of your low level
design document say SDD.SDDis the correct document that
covers the complete flow of your project which is based on
your requirement doc.SDD also covers the complete
requirement along with the sudo code in it ,SDD also covers
the functionality ,so for creating your test case keep SDD
in front ,it will also help you to trace the requirement
back(tracebility metrics).So fetcch the correct requirement
from the sdd , break it and write every case for that break

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

How do you write unit test cases ?..

Answer / solomon blessing

Mostly Unit testcases are written by developers and not by
testers. If a tester has to write a unit testcase
Eg: For Username field should contain only 15 charac

TestId :1 Description :Verify whether the Username field
accepts 15 charachters Steps : 1.Click the URL 2.Give
positive and negative input values Expected
Result:The username field should contain 15 characters only

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

How do you write unit test cases ?..

Answer / imran

Test Case describes exactly how the test should be carried
1. Input the data for a field.
2. what should be expected result.
3. what is the actual result.
4. whether the test case is pass or fail.

and if there is any comments or note needed, then put the
comments about the functionality.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

How do you write unit test cases ?..

Answer / krishnamoorthy

i am write test very well and don't copy from other
whatever you know write the test.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 28 No

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