How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The
point is when there is change code how do you come know
which part of code or modules it will affect).

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / rizwana

Regression Testing is testing the modified build and the
the dependent functionalities/modules if the changes made
to the module are affecting the other dependent modules or

We can trace the dependent functionalities or modules
through requirements.

Correct me if I am wrong.........

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / roopesh

Regression testing is done on the modified build to check
if the new added functionalities is affecting any of the
dependant modules.

We can trace the dependant functionalities through
requirements. You can say that the impact analysis comes
into picture. The child modules that gets impacted by
changing the parent modules have to go through regression

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / m. a kumar

Regresion testing will come in to the picture for below
instances :
1)when ever the new enhancement/change request will come
than definantly tester has to perform the regression
testing on the existing functionlity to cirtify the new
changes will not impact on the existing functinality.

2)when the devloper fix the issue then obisuly it will come
for re testing , so the tester has to perform the
retesting as well as regresion testing because that
paricular fix will not couse the existing functionlity.
i hope this will make sense

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / kevit

Well i think its about deciding regression test cases from a
set of used test cases. This is not that easy. Sometime it
leads to execute all the test case which consume lot of time.

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / arun

The intent of Regression testing is to ensure the software
remains 'intact' and it is not affected by the changes
introduced in the software and also have not undone any
previous codes.

So while thinking logically, we should repeat the same test
cases and as well with the new scripts, based on the new
function/change added to the application.

However, it depends on our work scenario.

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / yuvraj

Do we maintain regression suite for Functional test only?

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / abc

regression testing is retesting a previously tested program
following modification to ensure that the fault have not
been introduced or uncovered as a result of the change made.
So as selecting regression test cases is a tricky
work,depending upon the requirements we may have to test the
entire test plan or select the dependent functionality/modules.

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / umesh

Regression Testing is the execution of passed test cases against modified build to identify side effect due to code related defect fixing.
Basically it's impact analysis of code change after defect fixing.
To check previous passed test cases working properly or not.

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / m.srikanth

Regression Testing is a type of testing one will perform the
action on the already tested functionality.

When ever the developer had made changes to the
application and send re-build to the testing department, the
testing engineer will re-test the old functionality which
are related to the new functionality and check weather the
old functionality is remain same inspite of new change.

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How do you select test cases for Regression Testing(The point is when there is change code how do..

Answer / bhanu

Testing the application on modify build.

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