Efficient electrical earthing in hard rock area
Can anybody just suggest about the scope of Electrical design with ETAP software?Just guide me?
if there are six generators (3 gas CATT, one Jenbacher o1 MW each, and two nos Diesel 01 no 01 mw other 0.65mw EDGs ( say), 3 CAtt gas set have identical pole pitch,01mw EDG and Jenbacher gas Set have different pole pitch, how their power connection can be done to connect a common bus bar during installation. in short, how different pole pitched generators power connection can be done to connect a common busbar system through generators incomer ACBs.
what is AVP?
what is the setting of locked rotor in HT motor ? (answer expecting in percentage)
If I want to lift the water at a height 50m from ground level through two inch(diameter) metal pipe then what is the capacity of motor pump is required? is it possible in single phase supply or not?
Which oil is used in Transformer?
what is transient earth voltage
why 1.7Uo for HV cable Hi pot test?IE standard why?
opkinson's test
Which types of gate insttaled in static switch. Please give me answer.
what is post close & pre close of trip circuit supervision relay in circuit breaker control scheme?
what is the use of Turbocharger in a gen-set?