ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 34.27 : A biochemical engineering consultancy applies construction accounting in its finance. Its project began on 1 January 2010. Total revenue generated from the project was $9000. On 1 January 2011 as the budget, $2000 had been spent, with $6000 expected. However, the project cost increased latter, causing deviation from its initial budget on 1 January 2012, where $7000 had been spent, with $1400 expected. Let (estimated total cost) = (spent cost) + (expected cost to be spent), (percentage completion) = 100 (spent cost) / (estimated total costs), (total expected profits) = (total revenue) - (estimated total costs). Calculate : (a) total expected profits on 1 January 2011 and 1 January 2012; (b) estimated total cost as and not as the budget; (c) percentage completion of the project since the project began, in the first and second years.
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL ENGINEERING - ANSWER 34.27 : On 1 January 2011 (as the budget), estimated total costs = $2000 + $6000 = $8000, total expected profits = $9000 - $8000 = $1000, percentage completion on first year = 100 ($2000 / $8000) = 25%. On 1 January 2012 (not as the budget), estimated total costs = $7000 + $1400 = $8400, total expected profits = $9000 - $8400 = $600, percentage completion on second year = 100 ($7000 / $8400) = 83.33%. Final answer : (a) Profits : $1000 (1 January 2011), $600 (1 January 2012). (b) Costs : $8000 (as the budget), $8400 (not as the budget). (c) Percentage completion : 25% (first year), 83.3% (second year). The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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Question 38 - The terminal velocity of a falling object, v is given by v = sqrt [ 4g (R - r) D / (3Cr) ] where sqrt is the square root of, g = 9.81, D = 0.000208, R = 1800, r = 994.6, m = 0.000893. The Reynold number, L is given by L = rD (v) / m. The C for various conditions are : C = 24 / L for L < 0.1; C = 24 (1 + 0.14 L^0.7) / L for 0.1 <= L <= 1000; C = 0.44 for 1000 < L <= 350000; C = 0.19 - 80000 / L for 350000 < L. Find the value of v for the situation above by trial and error, ^ is power, <= is less than or equal to.
POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.2 : Let C% be the fractional crystallinity, Rs = density of sample, Ra = density of amorphous form and Rc = density of crystalline form. In a polymer, these unknowns could be related by the equation C% = (Rc / Rs) (Rs - Ra) / (Rc - Ra). (a) Find the equation of Rc as a function of C%, Rs and Ra. (b) Two samples of a polymer, C and D exist. For sample C, C% = 0.513 when Rs = 2.215 unit. For sample D, C% = 0.742 when Rs = 2.144 unit. Both samples C and D have the same values of Ra and Rc. Find the values of Ra and Rc in 6 decimal places.
Question 57 – There are 2 simultaneous equations : (A1) x + (B1) y = D1 and (A2) x + (B2) y = D2. (a) By using Excel program, find the values of x and y when A1 = 80, A2 = 150, B1 = 52, B2 = 100, D1 = 3.5 and D2 = 2.3. (b) Write the expression of Excel in the form of =MMULT(MINVERSE(W:X),Y:Z) in order to get the values of x and y. W, X, Y and Z may be A1, A2, B1, B2, D1 and D2.
Question 94 - The resolution of separation, Rs for chromatography is given by the formula Rs = (difference in retention time) / (average width at the base). In a chromatogram, 3 peaks a, b and c are found. Average widths W at the bases of the solutes are : Wa = 20 s, Wb = 40 s, Wc = 30 s. Resolutions of separation, Rs for solutes b and c in comparison to a are 2 and 4 respectively. The differences in retention times T for b and c in comparison to a are (Tb - Ta) and (Tc - Ta), Ta = Tc - Tb : (a) Form 2 equations involving Rs as a function of Wa, Wb, Wc, Ta, Tb and Tc. (b) Find the values of Ta, Tb and Tc.
As a chemical engineer, which are the subjects to whom more importance should be given....for technical interview.
Question 63 – Autocad computer program is used to draw a pipe that is used to transport natural gases for processing. Actual length of the pipe is 10 metres. The pipe has cross sectional area of circle in shape with measured circumference of s = 3 metres. (a) If 10 units are used to represent the actual length of the pipe in computerised engineering drawing, find the diameter of the pipe, d that will be shown in the engineering drawing. (b) If one unit in the program equals to 1 centimetre, find the scale used in the computer program.
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7 Answers MahaGenco, Oil India, ONGC,
A cylinder with a movable piston contains 0.1 mole of a monoatomic ideal gas. The piston moves through state a, b and c. The heat Q, changes from state c to a is 685 J. The work W, changes from state c to a is -120 J. The work, W performed from state a to b then to c is 75 J. By using the first law of thermodynamic, U = Q W where U is the internal energy : (a) Determine the change in internal energy between states a and c. (b) Is heat added or removed from the gas when the gas is taken along the path abc? (c) Calculate the heat added or removed when the gas is taken along the path abc?
Can anybody suggest the Methods/Procedures for estimation of oxygen, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, CO, etc. in binary or complex gas mixtures?
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Hi this is aparna.............can any one send drdo question papers on my email Thanks in advance