Hi this is aparna.............can any one send drdo
question papers on my email id-aparna_patna08@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance
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Answer / prateek
Hi aparna. I dont have DRDO queestion papers but I have last
10 yrs GATE papers > But I hav hard copy of dat
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What are some good tank mixing rules of thumb?
distance education chemical engineer degree aprooved courses any?
i want to knowwhat kind of questions in interview in adnoc?
Please help to get IOCL/HPCL or other chemical engineering paper pls send kathir_skv@yahoo.com Regards, kathirvel
QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.1 : In quantum biology, conditional entropy is given by H (S | O) = H (SO) - H (O). With reference to such equation, find another equation for H (SA).
Explain the advantages of using a ball mill over other conventional methods of crushing?
PROCESS DESIGN - EXAMPLE 21.2 : The names of the flow streams could be represented by : H1 for first hot stream, H2 for second hot stream, C1 for first cold stream, C2 for second cold stream. Data of supply temperature Ts in degree Celsius : 150 for H1, 170 for H2, 30 for C1, 30 for C2. Data of target temperature Tt in degree Celsius : 50 for H1, 169 for H2, 150 for C1, 40 for C2. Data of heat capacity Cp in kW / degree Celsius : 3 for H1, 360 for H2, 3 for C1, 30 for C2. (a) Find the enthalpy changes, dH for all streams of flow H1, H2, C1 and C2 in the unit of kW. Take note of the formula dH = (Cp) (Tt - Ts). (b) Match the hot streams H1 and H2 with the suitable cold streams C1 and C2 to achieve the maximum energy efficiency.
what are the precautions u are taking while starting HT motors?
2 Answers HPCL, MRPL Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited,
how can I find out a sulfuric acid recovery plant disigner?
What is the ignition temperance of Diesel,Petrol&kerosion oil
What are the factors involved in designing kettle type reboiler?
why 14.7 pound/inch2 is used in idustries as unit of pressure bcz here not sea level and not a temperature is 0C (zero degree celcius)?????????