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More Software Interview Questions

You have an AI player in an RTS game that occasionally needs to send scouts out onto the map to perform reconaissance. Designers want each scout to move around semi-randomly, exploring various parts of the map, particularly those that have been seen the least recently. Assume that the game is grid-based and has a fog-of-war feature. Also assume that the scouts are very cheap and dispensable, and it's OK for them to walk into the enemy base or other dangerous areas. How would you implement the system to decide where the scouts should go? What sort of data structure do you need to support this? How can you ensure that the scouts do a good job of exploring the map thoroughly? What are the performance characteristics of your approach? Is there any risk of scouts getting stuck trying to go somewhere that isn't even accessible?

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paypal interview questions

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What is a decision tree? When would you want to use one? What are its performance characteristics? How can you generate a decision tree automatically from a pre-existing data set? Is it feasible to do this at runtime, and has it been done in a commercial game before? When and why would you want to do this, and how would the data need to be organized to make this possible?

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You're tasked with implementing a computer player for a real-time strategy (RTS) game. Assuming that there is no fog-of-war, how do you implement a system to allow the computer player to determine what parts of the map are controlled by enemy players, and which parts are open to easy exploitation? How do you identify the choke points on the map? How do you find the boundary between the parts of the map under your control and the parts of the map controlled by enemy players? How do you detect an impending enemy attack or a change in an enemy's offensive posture?

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A bank offers 5% compound interest calculated on half-yearly basis. A customer deposits Rs. 1600 each on 1st January and 1st July of a year. At the end of the year, the amount he would have gained by way of interest is:

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How to determine Shipping point?

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In one room in your game, there's an elevator that AIs will need to use to escape from the player. In order to use the elevator, they have to walk over to a special button on the wall, press it to summon the elevator, then walk into the elevator and press another button to tell it to ascend. How would you design a system to make sure AIs can do all of these things in the proper order? If you have 3 AIs in the room, how would you design the system to make sure they can all escape in the elevator at the same time? What happens if one of them dies while they're trying to do this, and how do you make sure the other AIs don't get stuck waiting for that dead AI?

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What is the Structure of the IDoc?

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What is a HGS

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Explain Inter company Sales process

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A fires 5 shots to B's 3 but A kills only once in 3 shots while B kills once in 2 shots. When B has missed 27 times, A has killed:

0 Answers   Zoho,

A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is

0 Answers   Zoho,
