Why we use mho Relay in long transmission line?
better choice of area of interest to post in our resume?
What is d diff. btw Online & Offline UPS???
what is the different ratings of ACB/VCB/SF6 which is used at HT side
How is The split core current transformer working ?
What happen if you keep open the Neutral Grounding Switch in open condition of the HT Generator at starting and again on load if it open then?
Why electric traction is used ??
In the market there is availability of MCCB & ACB (800A), So, Where i can use MCCB & ACB for the same Rating?
what is difference between DC and Ac
why transformer impedance measure in % (percentage)
In Megger which types of test we can do ? and How it works? How to use?
How frequency meter measuring frequency? What is the principle of frequency meter?
What is the necessary and sufficient condition for stability.