ENGINEERING MATERIAL - EXAMPLE 12.2 : At 150 degree Celsius, a mixture of 40 wt % Sn and 60 wt % Pb present, forming phases of alpha and beta. Chemical composition of Sn at each phase : CO (overall) : 40 %, CA (alpha) : 11 %, CB (beta) : 99 %. (a) State 2 reasons for the existences of alpha and beta phases for the mixture of Sn - Pb at 150 degree Celsius. (b) By using Lever Rule, calculate the weight fraction of each phase for alpha, WA = Q / (P + Q) and beta, WB = P / (P + Q) where Q = CB - CO and P = CO - CA.
ENGINEERING MATERIAL - ANSWER 12.2 : (a) Reasons : (1) atomic radii difference; (2) different crystal structure. (b) P + Q = CO - CA + CB - CO = CB - CA, then WA = Q / (P + Q) = (CB - CO) / (CB - CA) = (99 - 40) / (99 - 11) = 0.6705. WB = P / (P + Q) = (CO - CA) / (CB - CA) = (40 - 11) / (99 - 11) = 0.3295. The answer is given by Kang Chuen Tat; PO Box 6263, Dandenong, Victoria VIC 3175, Australia; SMS +61405421706;;
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Question 67 – In order to predict the wastewater production, the population number has to be understood. The population data is : 72000 (for year 1961 or P-1961), 85000 (for year 1971 or P-1971), 110500 (for year 1981 or P-1981). (a) Find the average population increase, or [ (P-1981 - P-1971) + (P-1971 - P-1961) ] / 2. (b) Find the average percentage population increase, or [ (P-1981 - P-1971) / P-1971 + (P-1971 - P-1961) / P-1961 ] / (2) X 100. (c) Find the incremental increase or P-1981 - 2 (P-1971) + P-1961. (d) Let Po = P-1981. After 2 decades or n = 2, the population is P-2001. By using arithmetical increase method, find P-2001 = Po + n (Answer for a). (e) By using incremental increase method, find P-2001 = (Answer of d) + n (n + 1) (Answer of c) / 2. (f) By using geometrical increase method, find P-2001 = Po [ 1 + (Answer of b) / 100 ] ^ n where ^ is power sign, or 1 ^ 2 = 1 x 1 = 1. (g) If the actual P-2001 = 184000, which method of estimation is more accurate, based on your answer in (d), (e) and (f)?
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QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.7 : (a) In a DNA of a living cell, the quantum information available in the bases guanine (G) and thymine (T) are | G > = | 110 > and | T > = | 010 > respectively. Calculate | G > - | T >. (b) In a living biological cell, the step time for random walk of an electron is t. The localization time of an electron is T. If i is the geometric average of T and t, find log T as a function of t and i.