How will you Engage Labours on Site?
what qualifications did you need to become a civil engineer?
Significance/Uses/effect of Rolling Margin ?
60-70 grade of Bitumen is VG-30 ?
At one time what is the height of Lift for concreting for Bridge Piers Class B Loading and refer the code. ideal size of bricnk use in india,joint size of mortar in massinary ,how many bricks used in to test at site.what is the possition of marka used in bricks?
Grades of concrete
28 Answers Mittal Steel, UNOPS,
How can we demolish concrete beams?
Please tell me the difference between nominal and clear cover. Thanks.
can we use PPC for concrete wall, If yes, what is the concrete (PPC & OPC) grade for Non- load bearing concrete wall, load bearing concrete wall & for cellar retaining wall.
How to test the soil compaction test?
What is the difference between compressive strength and crushing strength?
What is the difference between EPC,DBOOT and BOOT.