Which colour of earthing wire
what is the advantage of connecting capacitors in delta than in star?
What mean by MLTP
what is the relation between Sq mm of wire and its current carrying capacity?
when we connect the capacitor banks in series with the circuit?
How many loops can be provided in a circuit as per IS rules.?
Refernce currents are to be generated using refernce cueernts how can this be done
how we can produce negative DC voltage ? please explain it .,thank u
1- What is the Polarization Index number be good for 15KV 3c#500MCM electrical cable? 2- Can I use the IEEE Std 43-2000 to perfom the PI test? Thanks
What is an ideal transformer?
In a d.c circuit, if current and resistance are known, power (P=I*I*R) can be determined. This relationship also applied to an a.c circuit. Comment the reason for this.
What is the difference between AVR and Servo Stabliser
define IDMT relay?
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