1.what are diff types of joins , and explain diff between cross join and full outer join
2.diff types of views
3. Diff types of index
4. What is diff b/w stores procedure and function procedure
5.diff between double and int in SQL
6.diff between char and varchar in SQL.
7.Oracle or SQL whice you will preferred and why.
What is the default server name for sql server?
How to convert character strings into numeric values?
two tables are there.1st table EMP has two columns ID and name and contains data 1,A 2,B 3,C 2nd table EmpSal has 2 columns ID and Salary Contains data -1,1000 2,5000 3,3000 Find name of employee having maximum salary ?
Are connections to sql server encrypted?
Do you know spatial data types - geometry and geography in sql server 2008?
What is the use of =,==,=== operators?
How many types of indexes are there in SQL Server?
6 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, United Healthcare,
What is the meaning of resultset type_scroll_insensitive?
How to start sql server browser service?
What is Pointer ?
3 Answers Cap Gemini, CarrizalSoft Technologies,
What are the authentication modes in sql server? How can it be changed?
How to find the list of fixed hard drive and free space on server?